Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Fernando, Robin and Ebert

Fernando was back at La Policia de la Familia today. He was minus one shoe and none too clean, but it was great to see him, and to see him looking in reasonable health. I did have to ask them to get him to a doctor ro check him out properly. Needless to say he was extremely pleased to see me, and indeed seemed worried that I had not recognised him, which was not at all the case. Just that I was thrown by his sudden arrival in the room some time after me.

He was all over me and I had to sruggle to get him to understand that the other kids needed my tome too. But we got it sorted and he was great really. He was asking if I remembered the llamma running away that time in the park. I'm sure I'll be seeing more of him.

Robin and Ebert came to meet me at Maximo Nivel as arranged. It was Ebert's first time seeing me since last year when I left them waving to me from the roof of their orphanage. He came running into the cafe and was immediately all over me. They both were. It's great to be back with them. We went for lunch at restaurant called Yanapay of which more later. It was Robim's 13th birthday too so we has a celebration juice. Funnily enough it is Ebert's 13th on the day I leave here. I will see them again at the weekend.

I've put a link on my site to Aldea Yanapay, which is the site of Yuri's organisation. Karen and I were there last night till 10.30, which is way past my bedtime. We're meeting him again tomorrow and visiting his project. I'm hoping that I can introduce Robin and Ebert to him and they may be able to go to his school. More about Aldea Yanapay later.

I'm meetimg Basilio at the weekend all being well.

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