Friday, April 20, 2007

Ebert gets arrested

I was planning a nice quiet afternoon today until Robin arrived at MN. Like I said he told me that Ebert had been lifted last night for shoe shining in Plaza de Armas, which the mayor does not like, cos its bad for the tourists. Priorities you see. Just like working for DWP.

So we had to go in search of him. He has spent the night in La Policia but had been taken to court before I arrived there this morning.

I learnt a bit more about their circumstance at home. According to Robin they mostly live in the one room apartment on their own as father works away from home a lot, so the boys are left to their own divices. He leaves some money and they supplement it with shoe shining and selling postcards. It makes you weep; well almost.

Meantime off we went to find Ebert. To cut a long story short we found him in La Municipalidad building in Ave el Sol, where he was awaiting processing. From his own experiences Robin knows all these places.

Ebert was relieved to see us but very sheepish. Him and I had been out yesterday afternoon and had a good time together. We met up with Robin, who has come to MN to find us. I gave them two soles for a taxi home, but instead they went off to an internet cafe to play games. When money ran out Robin went home but Ebert insisted on going to Plaza de Armas to shoe shine for more money. Then the police arrived to take him away. He will be back in La Policia tonight and I've promised to see him there tomorrow. Him and Robin had a big hug as we parted. They are so caring of each other, its very touching, but just as well as each other is all they seem to have.

Meantime Robin was not happy to be home on his own tonight, too frightened, despite being so street wise. So I took him for some grub at Norton Rats (english pub but they make the best and biggest burgers in Cusco) which he really enjoyed. Not the kind of place he usually gets inside.

After that I took him to a night shelter for street kids, not far from the centre. I spoke to the guys there, who knew him from the past. They were very happy to take care of him and will see he is OK. A good place to have in the circumstances and no-one gets turned away.

So life goes on. As this is my third posting, or is it my fourth, I'm not doing anymore. I had planned to publish some pics with all my free time this afternoon, but as you can see that plan was well and truly scuppered.

Tomorrow is Fernando and Ebert at La Policia and the rest of the kids there, and then Basilio and his football tournament.

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