Sunday, April 15, 2007


I went with Elena on Saturday to see Basilio for the first time since I arrived. He was so happy to see me it was a bit overwhelming. He just wants to hold on to me all the time. Elena left as she had to meet someone but I stayed with him for about an hour. He showed me round the orphanage and their new all weather football pitch, which was being well used.

He was still wearing the trousers we bought together last time I was here. Which he proudly pointed out to me. We went to his room so that I could see where he sleeps. He showed me his cupboard and there at the front is the car we bought, and still in its its box, thought well used. When I picked it up he smiled so sweetly but a little shyly. His face was a picture of delight.

He now goes to school and is doing very well, according to Elita who is the person in charge of the orphanage and probably deserves an entry to herself, but time is short. Basilio is near the top of his class. She also tells me he is very popular with the girls which is no surprise really. I think she has to ward them off.

He took me to see his school back bag which was full to bursting. We had a look at his work which is indeed very impressive for one so young and who has lost so much over the past couple of years. I've learned a bit more about the circumstances of his arrival at La Policia, which is not a pleasant story and not for here.

Anyway I've arranged to see him next Saturday for an hour in the morning to do some homework with him and play some games. He then has an inter schools football tournament that afternoon which he wants me to come to and hopefully see him score, just like yon wee man Rooney. So am looking forward to that amongst other things that are going on.

Thats all about Basilio for now, except that he wants to visit Scotland some day.

I hope there are no spelling mistakes. I cant be bothered checking as I just end up re-writing and life is too short for re-writes.

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