Sunday, December 04, 2011

Sex education in Peru

There is a huge need for sex education in these parts, especially out in the countryside. I was told a story by one of the workers in the international office here in Maximo about how she was working out in some schools in the countryside and doing some sex education. She decided to get the adults in to give them some lessons too. She was demonstrating how to use a condom, using a brush handle, as one does when pushed, and they all seemed to get the hang of it. So she went back a few weeks later to see how things were going, and yes they told her they were all using condoms now and yes they seemed to be working. But I'm sure you can guess how they were using them. Yes, lots of brush handles were taking the necessary precautions. This is a true story, I'm told.

On a quite unrelated matter, I meant to say thanks to Marian, my pal and Spanish teacher in Edinburgh. Thank you for your donation to the kids of Villa Maria. It will go towards their Xmas party. The books you lent me have gone down well in La Policia de la Familia. The kids love reading them, especially "No Te Rías Pepe" and "El Gallo Quirico". They've been well liked by the boys and girls here and they love to read them out loud, even the ones with the poorer reading skills. I wish you could have seen the look on Jerson's face when he realised he could do it. It was a picture of happiness, brought tears to my eyes. I guess they don't often get anyone to sit down and read with them. They also like to draw all the characters, so thanks again, you have done your little bit for these kids.

Granja Heidi restaurant was even more busy than usual one day this week, when we had a delegation of about twelve folk arrive from the World Youth International. Not one of them looked a day under thirty, reminded me of the Scotish Youth Parliament, which once had K as it's chair and he must have been 25 or even 26 at the time. So if these guys from WYI are youths then I'm just a young man.

I was in a taxi this week and thought I recognised the song he was playing, which turned out to be The Doors song "LA Woman", it having been a long time since I heard it I was quite pleased to be reminded how great a band they were. Had a chat with the taximan about old Jim and he knew all about him, including his burial in Paris,though the name of the cemetary escaped me and him. But you all know where I mean, some of you have even visited, though I hope not defaced it like so many do. I think all my Doors albums are on vinyl, maybe I should do something about that.

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