Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Bye bye Villa Maria

I trust you've all read my report on the party last night and enjoyed the photos I've posted.

This is my last night in Lima, at least for now. I hope to be back, unless of course the UK economy crumbles completely and I have to work for ever and a day. Lets hope not for all our sakes.

I shall miss all the kids of Villa Maria, and those at La Policia, though they are a bit different as I don't usually get to spend so long with them.

One of the boys in Villa Maria told me that Peru was my second home, and thats the way it feels at times. It's difficult leaving them all behind but I can't take them with me, so I've had to promise to come back some time soon. Jhon says he's going to miss me lot, and I'm going to miss him too, as I will all the kids. He's the boy in the photo with me and the nice young lady. He comes along with his brother Jairo and his sister, whose name has slipped my memory.

There are three other kids from same family who come along only occasionally. Cesar is the youngest of the three. I discovered that they are a family of eight and neither parent works, so there's no money coming into the house, which is why they don't come along, as it costs 15 soles a month to pay for their lunch at INABIF. This charge is new, in past year, but is a tiny amount. So to cut a long story short I decided to make a little donation to pay for them for the next three months, and Flor has agreed that if I pay for two of them the other goes free.

Last night was a very memorable night, will stay with me forever. I've rarely if ever felt so loved by so many at one time. It's a rare feeling. All these kisses and hugs. Which I guess is why a return trip is called for. What's the point in growing old in Morningside when I can get younger here in Villa Maria.

My knees are better now. Fortunately. So off to bed for some beauty sleep before my flightback tomorrow.

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