Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Party Time in Villa Maria

The party with the kids of Villa Maria was one of the great parties of the century and one of the most memorable I've been to in many a year.

We had about thirty kids there, maybe more, I didn't count them, though Flor did keep a register of all who showed up. She counted them in and counted them out, so to speak. It was supposed to start at 5 pm but as is fairly typical here in Peru we didn't get under way until 6 pm. The kids seem to have followed the example of the adults and don't worry about showing up on time. This can be frustrating but you just get used to it, but never so used to it that you also turn up an hour late. But that's the way it is here.
The clowns were not so much clowns as childrens' entertainers. There were three of them all dressed up and they put on a great show for the kids, all of whom got involved in the fun. There was also a DJ who played us some great music. I've not danced so much since I don't know when. I was knackered and the knees were not much better. There was no place to hide though, so it just had to be done. I was dragged to my feet whether I liked it or not, by these girls. Such nice girls too. Muy divertido. My knees are suffering today though. Must get back to the gym in Edinburgh so that I'll be in good condition for next year's party!

All the kids were given a hamper of food and goodies at the end. Some guy, I guess from INABIF came along to present them. Another volunteer who was here until a few weeks ago, donated the money to pay for the hampers, which was a very good idea. They all got a panetonne in their hamper, which is very popular in these parts especially at Xmas time. Flor did a pile of work to organise it all and I'm so pleased to have done my little bit too. And of course Flor had to go and make a speech thanking me, made me feel like some kind of visiting dignatary and like all good dignataries I had to reply. My little speech went ok, and I feel real pleased with myself, but it's not easy, and of course i had no time to prepare, or failed to find the time to be more accurate. Still well done me. And thanks to to Marian for your contribution. I'm sorry but I forgot to mention you in my little turn.

I'm off out for dinner now, for my last feed in Lima, this time round....

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