Sunday, November 27, 2011

Granja Heidi

The picture of the rocoto was posted from my iPhone and as can be seen it cut off a little bit of the plate even though the whole thing is there in the original photo. But you get the idea and it was another delicious dinner in Granja Heidi. It was preceded by a lovely crema de camote, it being a small type of sweet potato thingee though not actually of the potato variety. The restaurant owner always keeps examples of the produce ready to hand to show to customers who enquire and is always willing to go on at length about it's origins and uses, and I mean at length. I've never really been to a restaurant quite like it.

Right that's enough. Dr Grober tells me that amlodopine, which I take here in Cusco is known to cause hand tremors in some people, but will stop once the pills are stopped, so typing on my iPhone is even more exciting. Mind you it's less bad today and maybe even only in my imagination which does seem to hide lots of weird stuff.

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