Monday, November 14, 2011


I suppose it's time to bring this blog up to date before I leave Lima later this week. I've been very busy of late and hence the absence of postings.

Since last year Blogger has introduced some new features such as keeping stats showing number of page views and countries where it's viewed. So far my blog has been viewed 2,623 times and over 300 times since my arrival here this time round. It's been read in UK, USA, Peru, Russia, Canada, Germany, India, Brazil and Latvia. So I guess an update for all my readers out there is well overdue. And I've also been read in Korea.

I saw Heber at the weekend. I think he's fully recovered now from his taxi moto accident. He has an interview on Wednesday for a job with some electronics company, maybe Siemens, then again maybe some other company. He has an uncle who works there and he's arranged it for him. It's in a place called Chosica which is some distance from Villa Maria, but he will be able to share transport should he get the job. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for him tomorrow.

He will be given a training in electronics or some such and he's talking about them paying for him to go to college. Sounds like a great opportunity for him, but like everything else in his life it's all quite precarious. He has two aunts here in Lima and unfortunately they are now talking about leaving. I've been encouraging him to look for accommodation in Chosica if he gets the job there. But it's a very different kind of area, socially speaking, and he may not feel comfortable there. There is a fair bit of discrimination against the less economically endowed amongs the middle classes hereabouts. Though they would deny it of course.

We went to visit Parque de las Tradiciones where there is a statue of Ricardo Palma, sitting on a bench reading a book. The park is named after him as are many other places and streets round about here. He is one of Peru's most famous historical figures, mostly famous for his literary work and his rescue of Peru's national library which was more or less detroyed in the Pacific War between Peru and Chile in the late 19th century. He was able to rebuild it to its former glory and to recover 10s of thousands of books from the Chilean authorities. Chile is not too well liked in Peru. I will post couple of pics of Ricardo's statue. I'd been meaning to go for some time so very pleased that we went.

I also visited Chorrillos which is along the coast from Miraflores, another suburb of Lima which is a lot older than Miraflores. It is a bit of a beach resort, though I didn't take the opportunity to go for a swim, the water looks clear and clean but not worth the risk. There is a huge statue of Christ on a hill called Morro Solar, which can be seen from all around the area. Especially at night as it's all lit up. Will post a photo or two for your delectation. It was also the scene of a big battle in the War of the Pacific, in which the Chileans are reported as having behaved in an unacceptable fashion, including the usual rape and sacking of the town of Chorrillos, which they set on fire and destroyed. And so it goes on.

I took the metropolitano out to Chorrillos. It's a newish transport system here in Lima which is fast and modern, and a big improvement on the bus service. It's also very busy and so standing rom only, but not too hard to handle as it's quick and smooth. We will soon have "el tren electronico" up and running but thats another story, A bit like the Edinburgh trams saga.

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