Friday, September 25, 2009

Che Guevera

I was wearing my Che socks and this guy comes up to me in Maximo and says, looking at my socks, which I wear as a change from my red ones, "Are you a socialist then?".

I replied that I was and was he not and everybody else hereabouts. Knowing full well that this was not the case. He looked at me in a peculiar way and said that of course he wasn´t. I was about to ask if he was a fascist but decided against it? What a plonker as they say back home. He walked away so no discussion was possible.

The folk who come to Maximo are mostly middle class Peruvians, except the ones like Junior and Heber who get the chance to come here.

Political discussion centres round why Alan Gsrcia is no good and how he must go next year, when they have an election. There is not much by way of an alternative.

1 comment:

Coinneach said...

Very pleased to hear that you are having such a successful time over in Peru.
We are all fine - the wedding was fine and Anna and John are still away on their honeymoon.
Nothing of any great import has happened in your native land since you left.
I am enjoying reading your blog - it's beautifully written. You should have been a journalist. Maybe have a wee Morningside column in the Groniad when you come back.
Anyway look after yourself and "don't go mistaking paradise for that home across the road" - or pick arguments with strangers about socks!!!
Love Coinneach