Thursday, November 25, 2010

mmol/L and mg/dl

My blood glucose meter took a fall a couple weeks back and never recovered it's former glory. Hence I've been unable to monitor my sugar levels for past few weeks. It was on an upwards trend. Which was not enough to worry about too much, but even so I have had the odd little pensamiento that all's not well.

I could not find a similar meter here in Lima and all the ones I could find use the measures as used in USA. They've not yet caught up with the rest of the world in this regard. Plenty bombs though if you need them for your well being and safety.

In the UK we use mmol/L and all the meters I could find use mg/dl. I eventually found a nice pharmacist who did a check for me and it turns out that all was well, though a little on the high side. I decided to go to a clinic just to be sure and all was well. The doctor I saw was called DR Willy, which was a little funny, but not very. I didn't share the fun with him. Maybe he's heard it all before.

Anyway I'd already worked out with the help of the internet, would you believe, finally it's useful, that all I have to do to convert to UK system is to divide by eighteen. Simple as that really. Silly me not thinking of internet before.

Dr Willy told me about a Japanese emporium,Hiraoka, where I could buy a meter at a reasonable price. Which is what I did two days ago and all is well. Will just have to be a little more careful what I eat etc.

The end result of all this is that I've decided that a trip to Nicaragua is not really on for me this time round. So I've been in touch with them to explain it all and they were quite happy with this. A bit disappointed but just felt a trip into unknown was just not sensible when I was not sure about my diabetes being ok. There will be other times, and they will be happy to see me.

I will be staying in Lima now until I go to Cusco on 17 December. I've managed to rent this apartment until I go to Cusco. I just have to go to a hotel for two nights, Friday and Saturday, and come back Sunday morning. So have to prepare to move tro hotel tomnorrow. I will be able to leave most of my stuff in the apartment, just need to take enough for two days. I'm really pleased that I can stay here. It's a great apartment at a great price.

This also means that I can spend more time with the kids here in Lima. If I was going to Nicaragua I would be going tomorrow and this would be just toos short a time with them. So maybe all is for the best. More about the kids tomorrow. This is enoough of my ramblings for a day. Who wants to hear about mmols anyway?


Macctheknife said...

Alls well that ends well I guess. Hope you enjoy the rest of your stay in Lima.

Liam said...

Hi Donald, you can imagine this post interested me. I had to get my pencil and notebook out of interest...

Shame about Nicaragua too, these things happen.

Take care

Angs said...

Mine was down to 6 today, after a period in the high sixes. Ironically, I stopped taking the glucophage a few days ago (due to the trots with a small T).

Angs said...

Yes, there are a few Willys around. I was baptised by the Rev. P. Willy, quite some time ago, but was too young to take the, um, mickey.

Donald Maciver said...

Yes of course Liam I knew you would have a professional interest. All well though, blood pressure today, first time I've had it checked here, was 120/90. Ain't that good now? All levels are on target. Thanks Iain, will enjoy it. Angus, what are you on these days? Are the forces of darkness getting to you?