Saturday, November 13, 2010

Feeding Sebastian

I help out with the younger boys who are 4 or 5 years old. They are a quite challenging. Usually only two women to look after them, and one of them, the boys that is, is just a tad agressive. He likes to bite and scratch, but he's lovable none the less. So I spend my time between the older boys, mostly 11 year olds and the young ones.

The wee English boy, Antuan, is in with the five year olds, which is how I got to know the rest of them. He seems to have taken to me in some way. No word of him going back to UK so far. But he seems content here and is well cared for. He still doesn't speak in English, but I'm sure from his reactions he understands me when we converse in English. So now we speak a mixture of Spanish and English; in fact I found myself speaking Gaelic to him, just to confuse him a wee bit more. Poor soul. He must thing I'm nuts. God knows what he thinks really.

Feeding time is a hoot. I help out in the canteen to keep order and to feed them. They all want to be spoon fed. Sebastian is never too keen so has to be encouraged. Once he gets a spoonful in his mouth he throws his left arm up in the air, in a kind of Churchillian victory salute, and then slams the other hand down on the table or my leg. He is a funny wee chap. Eventually the plate is emptied, after many victory salutes.


Coinneach said...

Just in case news does not reach you out in the former Spanish colonies, we have imperial reasons to celebrate - the BEEB just won't shut up about it. Will and Kate have got engaged - send your telegrams to Her Maj. at Buck Housie, London. Does't it just gladden your republican heart!!!!
We have had our first real frost the last couple of nights - I wish we could swap weather - maybe your are just too hot.
Good to hear that you are getting on well with the bairns over there. kepp up the good work = maybe Rooney will be back by the time you return to help Man U. escape relegation.
All the Best Coinneach
A couple of problems for you to contemplate as you down your tequila slammers - "Why is there an expiry date on sour cream and is there another word for synonym?"

Angs said...

I see Wills has recycled his mum's old engagement ring. Cheapskate! But heck, Kate gets to play one day with the koh-i-noor, so what does she care? As you might imagine the whole country is a-throb!

Cowdenbeath freezes. I go back to the tropics on Friday.