Sunday, September 03, 2006


Moved this morning to my new home. Its like a small hotel. I can hardly believe my luck. Just didn,t expect such high class accommodation. I have my own room, lovely bathroom and use of lounge with tv and books etc. We have our own private courtyard where we can lounge in the sun all day. Everything is provided for us, including 3 meals a day and all our washing done for us. Which means of course I took way too much stuff. Its a short 20 minute walk from the centre or dos nueve soles by taxi. 3.18 nueve sols to the $, seeing as you ask.

The weather is scorching during the day but a bit colder after sunset, which is about 7 pm. The locals think its cold but to me its just a beautiful warm evening. Did a wee self guided tour of bits of Cusco off the usual tourist bits and finished the afternon in a cafe lookng down on Plaza de Armas, when these 3 Argentinian women walked in and started playing their musical instruments and singing for me, and ok one or two others too. I got talking to an Israeli guy in the Plaza, he was on his S. American tour, and heading off for Buenas Aires. Didnt like to ask his views on Palestine or Lebanon, but he seemed like a nice guy anyway.

The kids all try to sell you postcards and like to chat to you. I got talking to some French girls too, just like some one else of my acquaintance. They were being harassed by the kids so went to their rescue. Actually the cops here keep a good eye out for stuff and just blow a whistle to grap folks attention, usually bad drivres or kids trying to make a living. Very high tech with their whistles.

Can hardly believe how many folk I've spoken to since I came her even despite my lack of local lingo. I speak to more here in one day than I do in a month of Sundays in Edinburgh. Amazing. Maybe I should stay.

Its Sunday afternoon and have been chatting to some teachers in the internet room. Two from USA and one from S. Africa. Have an early start tomorrow for an induction at 8 am. You tend to go to bed a lot earlier here and get up about 6 as its so nice to be up and about.

Hopefully will know all about my placement tomorrow.

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