Thursday, December 16, 2010

No Legs

Yesterday I saw a man with no legs begging in the street and walked past him. Then I thought you can't do that and had to go back to give him a small donation. So many beggars here,so many women with their children all times of day and night. Impossible to ignore but you just can't give all the time and then you end up feeling bad. Not like Edinburgh beggars. In Morningside they become like friends they're there so often, well maybe not quite like freinds but you know what I mean. I never feel bad if I walk past them, which I do mostly as they are usually on their mobiles or drinking or feeding the dog.

Then I bumped into this couple from Canada, originally from Torquay, England. They assumed I was English until I pointed out my accent and island origins. It turns out that they are very familiar with the Isle of Lewis. So we had a chat about their trips to that dear place and were full of praise for our guest houses and our landladies. Then off they went to where ever.

It's late Thursday night. My bag is all packed for Cusco. Just had a call from my pal Miller and will meet him tomorrow at 4 pm. Nice to hear from him. He helps me with my Spanish and I help him with his English.

Biggest news here this past week or so has been Mario Vargas LLosa and his Nobel award. He is very popular needless to say. He's said that he will fight Keiko in every legal way possible should she get past the first round of voting in the presidential elections. Which was good to hear.

Must off to bed now..,,,early start tomorrow.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's an education to get a first-hand account of life in Peru.

Some of background stories of the children are sad, but inspiring as well.

They are insightful and entertaining,and your friends have a better understanding of how you spend your 6 month sabbatical