Friday, May 04, 2007


Not much time for reading here in Cusco but I manage to fit in enough time to read my old friend Philip Roth's latest masterpiece. And masterpiece it sure is. I've been recommending Roth to lots of people over the years and even bought him for a few. Don't know how many have taken my advice, some I hope, but "Everyman" is another work of genius from America's finest. The UK has no-one to compare.

I was reading "On Beauty" on the plane over here and kept Roth for a treat for my self in Cusco. Zadie Smith is ok, but reading "Everyman" just makes her seem ordinary. There's a quote on every page, in fact every page is quotable, just about.

I've been reading him since "Portnoy's Complaint", which was not yesterday, and he's never let me down. He's in his 70s now, and for me that's one helluva an inspiration to keep going. Along with Bob of course. Long may they both live.

For readers getting on in years, and there are a few of you, this is a must read book. You will face the future with confidence, no matter what. I must finish this post with Roth on religion with apologies to the believers who may be reading.

"Religion was a lie that he had recognised early in life, and he found all religions offensive, considered their superstitious folderol meaningless, childish, couldn't stand the complete unadultness - the baby talk and the righteousness and the sheep, the avid believers. No hocus pocus about death and God or obsolete fantasies of heaven for him. There was only our bodies, born to live and die on terms decided by the bodies that had lived and died before us."

A bit savage but honest. There's lots more like that. So much of it reminds me of things in my own life. Was going to say more but time runs out.

He is a private man and does not seem to have a website of his own. But lots about him in Wikipedia and elsewhere. Read the book. Its good for you.

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