Thursday, June 10, 2010

Working in Villa Maria

I've been back at work here now for two weeks. The kids all seemed glad to see me back. They just take my presence there now for granted. Some days are better than others. Today was a high point in my time here.

When I arrived at the INABIF centre the security woman let me in and handed me the keys saying that Flor was not at work today and Pedro had to go out, so I was on my own.

I was somewhat taken aback so to speak but decided I just had to get on with it. So off I went to open up, soon to be followed by a load of kids. They all know me now of course and none of them seemed surprised to see me on my own, though they probably thought that Flor was not far away. When the older girls began to arrive they did ask, but were quite happy when I told them that I didn't have a clue where either Flor or Pedro was.

They all settled down to their usual stuff, which usually means us all going to the kitchen to collect lunch and bring it back to the centre to eat. There was a wee argument because one of the boys took one of the girls meals by mistake. I had to tell her it was as much her fault as his, but she was not too happy. Eventually, an hour later, she ate her lunch, and gave me a kiss before she left, so no hard feelings. I forget her name. Bad.

Pedro eventually arrived after about an hour and all was well. He's a nice guy Pedro but he didn't seem to find anything unusual about me having to open up and be on my own so I didn't bring it up either. So I'm fully integrated as it were, so to speak. I felt quite pleased to be frank and reckon it was a fair old achievement for little old me. Beats trying to keep all Edinburgh's pensioners in benefits. Certainly more appreciated.

I took the boys for a game of football once Pedro got himself sorted. There were 10 of them. maybe more. Usual arguments but some good footie played. One of the boys is called Loco by the other boys. I can see why, but he doesn't seem to mind. Another one is called Chino, for reasons of race, but seems acceptable here. There is a big Chinese population and inter marriage.

I was knackered at the end of the day.

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