Tuesday, June 15, 2010



Saw this pic in a shop window along the road and couldn't resist taking pic for my West Lothian readers. Seems she is well known in these parts too, and it's been reported in Peru press that she's going to sing for the holy father soon, which of course goes down well hereabouts. Good for you Subo.
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1 comment:

neilandelaine said...

She is indeed a bonny West Lothian lass and we are pleased to see her fame has spread to Peru; they have good taste in Lima! I think we might pass on the gig in Bellahouston with Big Ben. I'm sure she can turn a phrase or two in the Latin unless like Peter Cook she didn't take it.

Labour still looking for a leader so the broadened the field to all Oxbridge scholars and oddly enough they found one who ticked the female and black boxes on the application form so an open and comprehensive will be here any minute. Doesn't look like any of the remaining contenders plan time travelling back to the 80s to assasinate maggie.

Not a lot happening in Scotland. The most joy we've had recently was the England match. Fabio doesn't look so Fabio now. Still hoping for Spain but looks like it might be a defenders' worls cup on what I've seen so far. As Walter knows you cannae beat a ten man defence with fancy footwork.