Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Spanish lessons

Just finished my Spanish class. Ruth arrives every morning at 9 am to give me my daily lesson. She's just left and the cleaner has arrived. Life is hard in these parts.

My Spanish is coming on nicely but these pronouns are a menace. They crop up all over the place. Will have to do something about them. Maybe learn how to use them better would be a good idea.

Went to the theatre on Saturday night. First time I've been to see something I had not already seen in English. Followed most of it, more than I expected to. Its a great feeling to be able to communicate in Spanish. I hardly speak any English at all now. I think I'm forgetting how to. This blog might become a Spanish language blog someday soon.

I'm waiting for my taxi to arrive to take me to Villa Maria. It's about a 45 minute ride in the taxi. My old taximan Francisco isn't up to it anymore. He just likes to do a couple of wee jobs a day nowadays. He came to the airport to meet me though. Nice to see him there, makes it easier.

Anyway he got his pal Edgar to be my driver for a very reasonable price. I'm just waiting for him now. He speaks Spanish very fast. Muy rapido.

The kids at Villa Maria are great. They remembered me from last year which was good. Some of them from last year have disappeared, though it's possible they may be back. We never get same number of kids every day. I guess it depends what they are up to.

Will try to post more regularly from now on, but been very busy getting settled and getting things organised here.

1 comment:

The Wicked Messenger said...

Nice one Don.

All going well it sounds. KY is fair braw the noo as well. 80 and climbing, zero humidity. Happy days indeed.