Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Crossing the road in Lima

There I was waiting to cross a busy main road in Miraflores when this Peruvian chap walked up to me and said "it's a question of life or death, here you live or you die". I thought bloody hell must be mafia caught up with me finally, so prepare to die as it were.

He was of course talking about the dangers of crossing the road, and not about to kidnap me. He just had a strange way of expressing it. Even at pedestrian lights you take your life in your hands. It's always a challenge. I have to keep reminding myself that traffic comes in all directions but mostly where it shouldn't.

So I got into conversation with my new pal who was pleased to hear I came from Scotland and even more pleased I lived in Edinburgh. So much better to live there than London he told me. Not sure if this was anti English or on aesthetic grounds or just self evidently true. I don't think he was being racist. He spoke excellent English; my first English conversation for a good few days.

Spanish subjunctive tense today. It's is one of those things one has to get on with in life. But it's not easy especially as one's memory is not quite what it was in one's youth. Ruth does a fine job teaching it.

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