Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Aeolion Harp in the Botanics

It's less than twenty four hours now until I know what the future holds for me and to say the least I'm apprehensive. It's probably the most important day in my life since I almost got killed by Jimmy Bullar's lorry, when it chopped my elbow off. Though I didn't know at the time how close I was to the end.

This is more difficult than my first appointment with Mr Speake. Then I more or less knew I had cancer and he was going to confirm it and tell me the extent and the possibilities. Now I know nothing and can't even begin to guess what he might be about to say. So my good friend Mr Speake it's all down to you now, so do your best for me.

I usually get there early to see him and just sit quietly in his waiting room. If he sees me as he calls in other patients, for he doesn't leave that business to his team of nurses, he will nod and smile. And then I wonder what his smile can mean? Is it a good reassuring smile or is he just being polite. Maybe I should leave it to the last minute before I go to his waiting room. Or maybe not. Probably not. Best not to change my habits now.

I will update my blog tomorrow some time with the news, whatever way it goes.

I made it to the Botanic Gardens on Sunday. Thank you Colin for taking me in your car, even though you did try to kill us both on the way home. I enjoyed our afternoon out. The Botanics were splendid with autumn colours but the highlight was the Aeolian harp which is designed to play in the wind, though it was not windy enough to play last Sunday. It was designed and built by Mark Norris, leading Scottish harp maker, and is made made from an elm tree which had to be cut down because of Dutch elm disease. It stands in a specially built pavilion, on the spot where the elm tree stood. I'm not sure if the pavilion is made from the old elm tree, I assume it is. It's definitely worth a visit and I hope to go back some day and hear the wind play a tune on it. I will post some pics.

1 comment:

The Wicked Messenger said...

Cool harp, love that type of installation.

Tomorrow will be alright, everyone here says so. Looking forward to the post tomorrow.