Friday, September 07, 2012

Lima once more

Back in Lima once more but only until Sunday when I'm off to sunny Cusco which is just as well as it's a cloudy Lima that I've arrived in. Hopefully when I'm back here in October Lima will be back to normal weather.

Teachers in the state schools are on strike just now, at least for a few days. Not sure if it's well supported but it has got the government all excited and of course the strike has been declared illegal. Funny how it's the same all over.

Shining Path have made the news here as one of their leading lights seems to have been shot dead near Ayacucho. He's known only as "William" as he's used so many identities in the past. They haven't been able to establish his true identity so far but they insist they've got the right man. One can but wonder though.

Only other important piece of news involves the famous cats of Miraflores. One of their number got stuck up on the church steeple but the priest wouldn't let anyone climb up to rescue him. There is now a big argument going on, mainly on Facebook and twitter as to what should be done with the cats. There are numerous abandoned cats here in Parque Kennedy and folk continue to dump there unwanted cats. Some folk want the cats to be allowed to continue living here and some don't so they fight it out, though not quite coming to blows. I believe things have got quite heated though no blows exchanged so far.

This is being written on my iPad and it's not exactly brilliant using the Blogger app. Will have to try without using the app. The problem with it is that I can't see what I've typed as I go along.


neilandelaine said...

You'll have made it to Cusco in time to get the champagne in for a wee celebration for our Andy!! Scotland's new hero now claiming the freedom of New York. Pity about the ball boys at Hampden letting these Macedonians have the ball back for a corner kick. Still Kenny Miller's playing so no doubt we'll see a few near misses before the 90 are over.

No proper news here.

Donald Maciver said...

Blimey is this a comment I see before me? So I'm not all alone after all. Keep up the good work please. Levein must go! Bring back Craig or maybe Kenny wants a wee job! Peru beat Venezuela last weekend and held Argentina to a draw yesterday having missed a penalty. What's his name missed. Messi a very poor loser, sour faced so and so, and not a trifle arrogant. Anyway nice to hear from you and guess all well or you would have said.