Wednesday, May 19, 2010

El subjuntivo es el corazon de espanol

New Spanish teacher this week. Her name is Denyse and she comes from Arequipa which is the second biggest city in Peru. Her accent is a bit different but I'm used to it now. She is a great teacher. Best I've had since Claudia went back to Uruguay. So that's good. The title of this post is from her. Just means that the subjunctive tense is the heart of the Spanish language, and when she puts it like that who can resist? She tells me its beautiful. I have to believe her, don't you think? So lets get on with that for my last ten days in Cusco. Hard to believe, is it not?

Ewan McGregor paid a visit to Lima last week, so thats at least two Scots in Peru. He was there on behalf of UNICEF, for whom he's an ambassador. Not sure where he visited but El Comercio says he went to one of the poorest districts of Lima to meet and talk to the kids. So maybe he went to Villa Maria. If he did would be a shame to have missed him. Will check it out.

Off to Elim now. Am taking Junior out for a few hours this afternoon. Don't know where to, though I'm sure he will have plenty suggestions. Before that feeding time in Granja Heidi, best restaurant in Cusco. Have I said that before? probably. I like to read there as well as eat, as its only time I seem to get here to do any reading. Chekhov just now. Thanks Gayle.


neilandelaine said...

Do you not remember Hopalong saying the very same about the Gaidhlig? I may be forgetting but all things seemed possible to Hopalong once she got the good leg going.

I think maybe Chekhov had a thing or two to say about the subjunctive; if that is the Tsar allowed such a crazy tense in Russian.

For myself I'll plod along with ¡pues, depende!

You'll be keeping up with the revolution at home but just in case here are 2 Grauniad headlines (from today only so you can imagine we have this going on every day)
First headline "Vince Cable plans new
attempt to privatise Royal Mail"

Second headline "London Olympics 2012: Meet Wenlock and Mandeville, drips off the old block" apparently the first example of a PM and his deputy metamorphosing into Aliens under the pressure.

Apart from that nowt happening

Donald Maciver said...

I think Hopalong spent too long in the cupboard with a certain dep rector (favourite of yours as I recall) for her to have any thoughts on the Gaidhlig. Now there was a union to behold or maybe not. You will find it was Miss Ross who was the linguist and ace grammarian in that old school, as witness the success she had teaching your big brother French! Talk about Desolation Row, I think sometimes Bob must have been there. What a bunch of grotesqueries?? is that a new word then?? As for cable didn't take him long to become a Tory. What next? DSS maybe? see we have a great new WEE sec of state. god help us all. bye. will post at weekend, xx