Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Altitude Problems

Cusco is about 2 miles or more up in the sky somewhere and it's not doing my pressure any good. I can't believe that I was able to do the Inca Trail just a few years ago. It would be out of the question today I'm afraid. So that's what ageing does for you, as well as a few other minor problems, which I needn't go into here.

On top of coping with the altitude I've developed a chest infection, so had to go see the medico yesterday having spent the weekend or most of it laid up in my apartment. He's changed my BP pills and given me stuff for my infection, and today I'm lots better. BP is back to normal, which is a relief as I was worried I might have to leave Cusco. I have been lucky to find a good doctor, Dr Paul, who seems to know his stuff. Have to go back to see him Thursday just for a check up.

Which is why I've not been able to post anything on my blog for past few days. I won't be going to La Policia this week, or maybe a couple hours on Friday. My Spanish classes will be back on tomorrow though.

Thankfully I have a really nice flat so being confined to barracks over the weekend was not such a drag, and I was able to watch the Man U game from my bed at 7 am,live on Fox sports, which was not too bad. They show lots of European footie on lots of channels. My apartment is on the first floor and RHS of the photo I posted.

I was in Chinatown in Lima and saw these flagstones. So my bros were here before me.

I was out with Claudia on Friday night, which was first time I've seen her since I got here. She's great company and helps me with my Spanish. MN asked her at the last minute if she could teach me this year, but she was already booked up. Will be seeing her again on Thursday when she's taking me to a coca cafe. And on Saturday she's taking me to see Elena, who was one ofthe first people I got to know here in Cusco.

Must go now. More on Heber and Robin in my next posting.

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