Monday, May 13, 2013

Wolves and a Morris Marina

I was very sad to see Wolves suffer another relegation. Shouldn't be happening to such an historic team. I've always had a soft spot for them, ever since I was a wee boy, just a few years ago. I was talking to Coinneach about my feelings for Wolves and was pleased, though not surprised to learn that he felt the same way. We were recalling being given a football annual every year back in the fifties, we think it was called Buchan' football annual, but couldn't remember for sure. It was probably another name altogether. If you know the name or used to read it please let me know.

I remember being impressed by the colour of their strip, golden, and their stadium, which was the first picture I ever saw with floodlights. Were they the first to play under floodlights? Anyway I was chuffed to bits that Coinneach had the same memories of Wolves and keeps a wee soft spot for them too. Come on Wolves lets see you get back up where you belong.

Today I got word to go for a colonoscopy on Saturday at 7:30 am. Which seems a bit early but I guess the old NHS is very busy and needs to work every day, morning to night. Not exactly looking forward to the experience but it has to be done. I have to prepare for it over two days and arrive empty bowelled. I've also got word to go for my CT scan on Thursday 23 May, so things are moving.

I sometimes feel as if I'm losing control of my life, that the machine is moving and there's no way to stop it, or to get off, and it will keep going no matter what I say. Lets hope it's a benevolent machine. Once I get these scans done and know exactly what I'm confronting things should become clearer. But at the same time something inside tells me says lets put it off for a while. But that would be just daft. And of course every little thing I feel I think that must be cancer too. Maybe it would be best if I stopped thinking altogether.

I went to work today and am going in again tomorrow but I'm not sure I can cope with much more work after that. I was wiped out by early afternoon and had to go home early. But it was good to see my colleagues at work again, and good to feel their support. Thank you folks, you know who you are.

I'm way too tired to be writing this at night. I usually can only manage to write in the mornings, so this could be last post until I can write in morning again. John Cooper Clarke was on HIGNFY over the weekend. He's 64 now. I saw him a few times back in the eighties. Good to see him looking well. He mentions a Morris Marina in one of his poems. Remember them? I think I once owned one. A wreck it was too.


Angs said...

A rodding is nothing to fear. They lubricate it and shoot you full of lithium, so make sure you have someone to take you home afterwards. If the fella is friendly, he might let you watch the screen with him. The run-through is really very interesting. Are you on iron? Polyps can cause blood loss and make you anaemic -- and really really knacked. Bestest.

Unknown said...

Hi Don,

Good luck. I'm glad the NHS are moving fast, Colin