Thursday, May 09, 2013

From Fergie to Potter

I've been very lazy recently and not written anything on my blog for over a month, which is very bad of me, so apologies to all the good people who have been checking and finding no nourishment. I promise to do better.

Lots of happenings in big wide world since we last spoke and lots of chatter in the media about a few of them so I won't be boring you with more of the same from me, but I can't let Maggie's death go by without a comment, seeing as I spent most of the 80s demonstrating against her and her awful crew. There could not have been many weeks went by without some demo or strike to get involved in. Did we win? Maybe not. Was it worth all the time and effort? Definitely yes. As Simon and his pals say on his wonderful TV show, two hundred per cent yes.

One memory which I must share with you is taking Iain and Anna to see ET at what was then the ABC cinema in Lothian Road. In those days one had to queue outside to get into the cinema. So there we were minding our business, when Anna starts to chant "Maggie, Maggie, Maggie! Out! Out! Out!". Marvellous and priceless. Obviously well brought up that girl. At the movie Iain crawled under the seat, says he dropped something, but I still have my doubts about that one. In the end we all had a good cry as ET left us to go home. Although Iain disputes his tears I think to this day.

And of course yesterday the biggest event of the year so far, when my pal Alex announced his retirement from Man U. I will miss you my good man. Thanks for all the memories over the past 27 years. We will never see your likes again in these parts, flaws and all you are greater than all the rest. Now take a rest and leave Moyes to get on with things.

Tomorrow if you all come back here I shall tell you what's happening in my life. My good friend John Llewelyn was reminding me yesterday about a Dennis Potter interview just before he died in which he spoke about seeing apple blossom "the whitest, frothiest, blossomiest blossom there ever could be". Thanks John and more of Potter and the nowness of things tomorrow. It keeps me going. So come back folks.

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