Friday, November 02, 2012


The problem of shitting in public places seems to be getting worse, and as for pissing well what can one say. Quite often when one is on the bus to Villa Maria one can see a guy with his trousers round his ankles having a dump behind a pillar in full view of all passers by and public transport users such as myself. Something has to be done. I've not seen it anywhere else except on way to Villa Maria, and I don't see why the good people of Villa Maria should have to put up with it. I've not seen anything like that elsewhere in Lima or Cusco, though some men, a few only, in Cusco think nothing of spitting on the pavement(sidewalk) right in front of you. Disgusting habit.

Went to see the latest Bond movie "Skyfall" last night, which was the opening night here in Lima. Cinema was sold out for our Daniel and maybe for Javier too. Or probably for Javier. We went to the cine bar and I treated myself to a pisco sour as I watched Mr Bond drink his martini, stirred not shaken, my pisco sour I mean. Delicious it was too and included in the entrance which was a very reasonable 50 soles. Movie is best Bond film for years and certainly best that our boy Daniel has done. Great chases and fights, Javier is excellent as baddie and Judy is her usual terrific self. I became quite nostalgic when the film moved to Scotland. What a beautiful country. There's nowhere else quite like it really. Peru is beautiful too but Scotland's Highlands and Islands are still top of the league, as is Edinburgh of course, though Cusco takes a very close second place in my heart.

Incredibly enough I'm getting close to the end of my stay in Peru this time round and will need to start thinking about coping with the cold but hopefully not the snow by this time next week. Will also need to start getting ready to leave so may not have much time on my hands for my blog but will do my best, maybe some more photos? Would that be acceptable for you all.

For those of you who like stats my blog has been viewed 2000 times since I left the UK in early September. I wish I knew who you all are, maybe its just the same person travelling around the world and checking into my blog. It's been read in UK, USA, Peru, Russia, Italy, Germany, Greece, Sweden, France, Indonesia, Argentina, Chile, Venezuela, Romania, Ukraine, Poland, Latvia, India and Netherlands. So who are all these guys?

Thanks anyway for taking the time to read my ramblings and I hope you found something of interest to you. More to follow.

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