Monday, November 26, 2012

Early Roman Kings

You may recall that in my last post I asked "who were the Early Roman Kings". I was delighted to receive an email from my good friend George which I'm sure he won't mind me quoting from here, as it's rather amusing.

George is a classics scholar, Gaelic scholar, cellist and intellectual. We've been friends since we met at a New Years celebration about thirty years ago, when we had partaken of a little whisky together and put the world to rights. As I recall it was an all nighter, which neither of us could manage ever again. Anyway here is George's reply to my question:

"From memory: Romulus, Numa Pompillius, Ancus Martius, Servius, Tarquinius Priscus, Tarquinius Superbus. Could be one other??"

And knowing George these will be from memory. Thank you George this is all very  helpful; educating the people as always. I like the Superbus one. A fine name for a king. I wonder if there was a Supertram as well? Probably not.

Needless to say George is not one of Bob Dylan's greatest fans. And for those of you who likewise are not followers of his Bobness, I should maybe point out that Early Roman Kings is a track on Bob's latest CD,  "Tempest",  the seventh track as I recall. One of the best tracks on there, and Dylan showing off his own classical scholarship, or something. Who knows with Bob. Just genius.

I went to see "The Master" at the weekend. What a performance from Joaquin Phoenix, chilling, extraordinary, definitely an Oscar winning performance. I never knew the man had it in him, best thing he's ever done and makes one look forward to many more performances like this. The film is worth seeing for him alone, playing a man damaged by his wartime experiences and the powerful way he is able to show us how war leaves even the survivors as victims. Fine acting as usual by Phillip Seymour Hoffman, playing the cult leader, but obviously just as disturbed as the Joaquin character.  Go see if only for Joaquin's performance, and if he doesn't win an Oscar, I will eat my hat, or would do if I wore one.

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