Thursday, July 16, 2015

Candy and Ken

Today was my last day in London for now. I'm hoping to come back sometime soon, which is not something I would have said a week ago. Last weekend were the best three days I've had since my first operation and various treatments began in July 2013. I really didn't expect before I left Edinburgh that I would cope so well, in fact I was quite worried about surviving even a couple of days. Seems that my old body has a bit more left to give me. Not a lot, but enough to keep me happy.

The steroids helped for the first four or five days, but they also succeeded in knocking my diabetes out of control, so that the gains from steroids were reversed by my high blood sugar level. I then had to phone Royal Infirmary in Edinburgh for advice from my doctor there. I had to quadruple my intake of diabetes drugs. It's still not back at a good level, so I've been knackered today and yesterday.

I had a quiet day spent partly with the strikers at the National Gallery, who are members of my old Union. I went down to join them on their picket line and to offer some solidarity from Edinburgh. They are on strike against privatisation of their services and also in support of Candy Unwin, one of the shop stewards, who has been victimised and now is fighting to get her job back.

I was very pleased to see that Ken Loach had also turned up today to offer his support. He's obviously a good man, and knows the importance of solidarity. Not wishing to steal his thunder I left my speech in my pocket and let him get on with it. I took his photo instead. He's a short wee fellow. I didn't think the occasion was suitable for an autograph, so I spoke to Candy and wished them success.

I then went for lunch to the Crypt Cafe in St Martin-in-the -Fields church in Trafalgar Square. It was nice and cool, which was just what was required as it was quite humid outside. It was strange having lunch sitting on top of all these tombs. I assume there are bodies still down there, the church having been there since 1726. Quite a wee while. It's a good place for lunch if you're ever passing by and National Gallery is out of bounds through strike action or even if it's not.

Better go to bed now. I wrote this sitting in the Hotel bar, having an orange juice at midnight. Definitely the first time I've been in a bar this late since before my cancer adventure began. So there. That's progress of sorts. Don't you think?

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