Sunday, March 08, 2015

Another Appointment

This is the time of year my late mother liked best, as the days get longer, the dark nights drift away and spring approaches. I like it too, more and more as the years go by. I have to make the most of these little moments of bliss as there may not be too many more left for me. Mind you I'm still hoping for a few more.  I wouldn't like you to think I've given up on the future, short or long as it may be.

I should know more tomorrow about what the future holds for me as it's time for my appointment with my oncologist, Dr Maclean, again. She will be giving me the results of my latest scan which I had ten days ago. The best I can hope for is that the tumours on my lungs have not grown since my last scan in November, or are developing very slowly and that no treatment is required. The alternative outcomes are too grim for me to describe on here. I feel if I write it I might be tempting fate, so best not to. Not that I believe in fate, sounds too Calvinistic.

It's a strange feeling knowing that as I sit here and await the news my doctors already know and have probably discussed my prognosis. It doesn't seem right somehow.

I'm not going to write much more today. I know I've been very lazy recently when it comes to writing, but my excuse is my ill health. I miss a lot of appointments and arrangements with friends because I can't leave my flat and I certainly am not able to concentrate on writing. Even reading gets difficult. Sometimes I'm still reading the Saturday Guardian and the Observer on a Wednesday or Thursday. Mind you it does save money as I don't need to buy a paper during the week.

Having said that I'm still working my way through various books, the latest one I finished was called A book of death and fish by a Lewis writer called Ian Stephen. A bit of a challenge as its well over 500 pages, but well worth the effort. Maybe best suited for folk who love the Island but don't let that put you off. It's highly recommended in a review by Robert Macfarlane whose new book Landmarks I bought for myself today. I hope to get the time to read it and maybe get to meet Robert if he comes to this years book festival. Maybe my friend John L and I will go again and this time get to the front of the queue to speak to him.

I hope someone among you will be reading and recommending Robert Macfarlane long after I'm no longer here. " he has a poet's eye and a prose style that would make many a novelist burn with envy" or so says John Banville,  whose judgement I think we can all trust.

I've bought myself a MacBook Pro and still getting used to it.  I really like it and hope to post lots and lots to my blog now that I've spent all that money . Mind you it's not as if I can't afford it as my plans for  trips to South America begin to look less likely.

Tomorrow I might find out.

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