Monday, March 09, 2015

A Bit of a Result

Today I got some reasonably good news from oncology, which is a first for them.

Dr MacLean tells me that the cancer has not spread to any other organs and there are no new tumours on my lungs, which is all good news. However the tumours that are there have all grown in volume since the last scan in November, but the growth is small, none of them having doubled in size. The largest is now just over 8 mm across and the smallest just about 5 mm. I think there are seven or eight of the little devils.

I had hoped for a no change situation, but I guess this is next best thing. At least it's not aggressive so that's a bit of a result.

Dr MacLean is happy with the result and thinks I might go on like this for some months and maybe even longer. But no way of telling. I don't require treatment for the time being, so no chemo for a while. I will return for a scan in four months to see how things are progressing, slowly I hope, and maybe even six months should I decide to do some travelling. This will depend on progress sorting out my residual bowel problems and me getting fitter, which is partly dependent on me getting some complete nights of sleep, bowels permitting.

But enough of that for now. I feel happier than I have for a while, at least as happy as it's possible to be with incurable cancer. So onwards and upwards.

This will be short tonight as I'm awaiting the arrival of my pal John B to watch the big game with me and I've a few calls to make before that.

"The sky seemed to split apart from end to end to pour its fire down upon me."

Meursault just before he pulled the trigger, as reported by A. Camus.

Sometimes I feel the same.

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