Friday, August 16, 2013

Last day at LA5

That's it then. Today I will have my last session of radiotherapy, five weeks and twenty five doses later and it seems like yesterday it all began for me. My last day brings very mixed feelings. I will probably get up on Monday and start getting ready to go to the cancer centre again. It's become such a part of my life that I will miss going there. This seems very strange to feel this way, but that's the way it is.

I'm very pleased that I've got through this stage of my treatment without any major setbacks. It's been exhausting but I won't bore you with the details of that, just take it from me that it wears you out totally. I was going to say that it literally brought me to a standstill a few times, but that would be an incorrect usage, despite what some dictionaries now claim the word to mean. Literally. But it did send me to bed at strange times. The tiredness I mean and not literally.

Which is why I've not been able to write my blog for past week or so. My concentration is not too great. Not been able to read much either. Except the newspapers which bring grim news from around the world, from Egypt to Syria. And of course our own wee Scottish girl stuck there in Peru. Silly girls. I once worked with a wee boy in Lima whose mother got arrested for carrying drugs, while she was on her way back to UK with her wee boy. He ended up in an orphanage in Lima until an uncle was able to come and pick him up. I often wonder what happened to that wee fellow. He was beginning to learn Spanish by the time he left, but I think appreciated being able to talk to me in his own language.

I think the reason I feel confused about finishing my treatment is because I will miss the support and encouragement I had from the girls in LA5, and the nurses and Dr McLean and also being able to chat to other cancer patients and share  experiences. Yes I will definitely miss my trips there, but now looking to the next part of my treatment. Which for now means a six to eight week wait to see if the radiotherapy did it's business.

That's all for now, hope to write more regularly next week, catch up with festival and a movie or two. Just wanted to do this update today, to show I'm still here and doing well.


The Wicked Messenger said...

Happy Friday, excellent.

I hear you on reading the papers, news channels are the same. 'War, famine, death, plague... Then I look out of my window and see birds chirping and flowers blooming and neighbours merrily walking their dogs.' To paraphrase Mr Hicks. Where is all this happening, another world?

On the bus on my way to work right now. It's never a dull ride on this route. It's not called 'the bus' though, it's known as the TARC (Transit Authority of River City ) which I always think gives it a far too futuristic name.

In Scotland they advise you to leave the front seats for the 'elderly, disabled and infirm' don't they? Quite different here. 20 people on this one of which I am the only white guy. Not sure what, if anything, that tells me. You'll occasionally see white suits jumping on and sitting awarkwardly, these guys have had DUIs for the most part and seem horrified to be using public transport. Very different to other big cities here in the colonies. No matter how big the smartphone and slick the Bluetooth ear piece we are all on the TARC together.

Here comes my stop, Starbucks then back to the funny farm. Thanks for taking the ride with me.

Good to see you posting Don, farewell to LA5!

Peace the noo

Ps Did I mention someone got shot on this TARC route 6 months ago?

Donald Maciver said...

Hi K your bus trips remind me of my bus to Villa Maria in Lima, always exciting and the unexpected happens. Mind you nothing beats the last bus back to Tolsta on a Saturday night for excitement and incident, and wondeful Gaelic singing as you can imagine, though your dad could probably tell you more about it than myself. It was fun, frightening sometimes but fun. Didn't realise your hometown is called River City, I think there's a Scottish soap of that name, so presumably that's where your place got the name from. ps what is/are DUIs? Keep up the good work, good luck for new season, hope you don't sign Suarez, could only end in tears, but hands off our boy Wayne. bye the noo, off to meet George for lunch, he usually gives me a classics lesson over lunch or recites some Horace for me, unless he is wanting some Gaelic lessons. xxx

The Wicked Messenger said...

DUI = Driving Under the Influence. You spot them quite easily.

Suarez eh? What a guy. Good performance from your lads yesterday. Chelsea looking good today under the special 1.

Big game in Tuesday for us.

Spoke with Lewis yesterday, into 2nd year on Monday, crazy. Give me a call next weekend if you are around.

Peace the noo
