Friday, May 04, 2012

"Strangely Moving"

Days are nice and long here now in Edinburgh, but why is it still so bloody cold? Should be a law against cold weather after May begins.

My creative writing class is back in full swing now, and there are a few newcomers, though already some drop outs. We started term with fifteen but only nine turned up last night. It is different to other classes I've done as you just can't hide, and if you don't do the work there is no point turning up. So I guess folk just find it too much. I think it would probably be the same for me if I was working full time. Now should that be "was working" or "were working"? Or do both suffice?

My latest effort seemed to go down well with teacher. It's called Rivals, and he described it as "strangely moving" "very well observed and realised portrait" and "dialogue was believable and effect". So am pleased with that, especially as I set out to write a story using mostly dialogue between the main characters to tell the story. But it's hard work. Very hard work, but satisfying. The hardest bit is getting the idea for the story, but once I know where it's going I'm off with it.

It's not often that Scotland produces a world champion, and in Stephen Hendry we had one of the greatest snooker players of all time, seven times champion of the world. He's announced his retirement this week, so thank you Stephen, a fine champion indeed. Though obviously not as good as Alex Hurricane Higgins, who was the best of them all, but shame about all the fags and the drink. I remember watching him win the world championship in 1982 when he beat Reardon, who had beaten him in the final a few years previously. I saw the final on a big screen in a hotel bar which belonged to Chic Murray, and whose name now fails me. I was with my pal Paul, and we were the only two in the bar supporting Alex. We very nearly got lynched. Memories indeed.

That's all for now. Must go for a coffee in Cafe Nero, and finish my book.


richard(not Branson) said...

Was Chic's place not the Links Hotel?

richard(not Branson) said...

Was Chic's place not the Links Hotel?

Donald Maciver said...

Hi Richard, yes you're right, wasn't sure if that was it or not. Thanks for reminding me. We still need that coffee or whatever you got in mind!!