Sunday, May 27, 2012

Another joke

I was writing a story for this week's class, but ran out of time, so had to brutally kill off one of the two main characters in order to be able to hand in a completed piece to the good professor, later that night. Which was a bit of a shame as I was getting quite fond of her. But the sun was shining in Edinburgh as I wrote and just had to go out to sample it. Sunshine is such an unusual phenomenon, one feels the need to make the most of it while it lasts. Having said that the hot weather persists so maybe there was no need to kill her off after all.

My pal John, who gets first sight of my efforts, told me it was a case of sudden death, which is true in lots of ways. He didn't see it coming, which is understandable; as I didn't either. Maybe I will go back to the story and finish it off as per my original idea. But I'll see what Colin, our esteemed teacher/professor, has to say about it first.

He read out another of my efforts last week, and the class spent a good forty five minutes discussing it, constructively I thought. It's a very strange feeling listening to folk talk about you like that. I kept wondering if these people had nothing better to do with their time. But apparently not.

Recently saw The Dictator, the new Sacha Baron Cohen movie. Very funny, lots of bits in very poor taste, not to everyone's liking I would imagine, but I think he's a very funny man. Simon Hoggart liked it in "hilarious film" he says.

And finally a funny one, also courtesy of Simon Hoggart. Sign seen outside a ladies toilet at Bristol Airport: "During a terminal evacuation, red lights will flash...."

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