Thursday, February 16, 2012

Shame and Carnage and a Bit of Full Frontal

Must be time for me to write something on here. I see that quite a few readers are checking my blog most days so I guess I should give you all some reading material.

Here in Scotland the days are getting longer and brighter. This used to be my mother's favourite time of year and now it's mine too. The whole world seems so full of possibilities, it's good to be alive.

For those of you reading this in Peru or anywhere near the equator the idea of the days getting longer may not be an easy concept to understand. But trust me that's the way it is. As I look out my window in Edinburgh the sun is  still working away and I can see a thin pale sliver of a moon hanging over The Pentland Hills, saying goodbye to the sun as it decides it's had enough for the day and sinks into the western sky.

Best film I've seen this past fortnight was "Carnage". It's witty, funny and entertaining. The dialogue just sparkles along at a pace. Cristoph Waltz is just perfect. He has a way of looking with that cynical sneer of his which I just love, the film is worth seeing just for him alone. Jodie Foster is excellent despite what may have been said in various smart arse newspaper reviews. I will see it again on DVD.

"Shame" was thoroughly entertaining too but very different. Not many laughs. If you like your actors starkers then you are in for a treat, as Michael Fassbender gives us some full frontal nudity to keep us going for a while. With a name like that it's only to be expected I suppose.  He acts pretty good too. There's a tremendous version of "New York New York" sung by Carey Mulligan as the Fassbender character looks on, in tears, which luckily I was able to hold back this time. There's a clip on YouTube should anyone wish to hear her. Great film and definitely worth seeing.

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