Friday, March 21, 2014

Siri Post

 I am sitting at my window dictating this into my iPad which I hope will type it all for me. This is a test to see if I can write a blog post simply by dictating it to my iPad

So far it seems to be working. Which quite frankly is incredible. Thanks to Apple's invention of something called Siri. I wonder what's next? Maybe someday Apple will be able to read my thoughts and type them with no input from me other than having the thought in the first place.

I can see the clouds coming down over the Pentland Hills.  It would appear to be raining over there although the sun is shining and we might even get fine a afternoon. I shall have to go out shortly for my daily constitutional.

My cancer treatment is going well and I'm now well into my third cycle of chemotherapy. I'm still trying to get used to the fact that I won't have my scan until sometime in November but I think I've adjusted to it now. My only problem right now is that my diabetes has gone completely out of control and I will need to contact the hospital to see what I should do about it but I think I shall leave that until Monday.

Well the system seems to be working okay. I'm not sure that I like it very much but like everything else it will take some getting used to. That's all for now. I shall have to see if I can transfer this from this document to my blog.

Please excuse any grammatical errors in this piece. I hope it reads ok. 

Well that seems to have worked. It's now in my blog. Enjoy. 

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