Saturday, March 03, 2012

Explico Algunas Cosas

This week I've been reading W.G. Sebald's book "The Rings of Saturn" which is a very fine book indeed. Difficult to describe but definitely worth seeking out. Originally published in German so probably now available in lots of languages. It's about a journey he made round the coast of East Anglia where he lived for twenty or more years. It's part fiction, part autobiography, part history, and reflections on imperialism and life in general. Very well written in translation.

Am also reading Alice Munro's book " The View from Castle Rock". The Castle Rock in question being Edinburgh Castle. She's known for her short stories which I recommend but this is more of a family memoir. Though I've only just begun it I know I'm going to enjoy it. She is distantly related to James Hogg, who wrote "Confessions of a Justified Sinner" and was also known as the Ettrick Shepherd, because that's where he came from and he was a shepherd as well as a poet and novelist. Alice Munro's family came from the same part of Scotland before they left for USA and Canada, in nineteenth century.

I'm reading The Essential Neruda, Selected Poems in Spanish with English translation, side by side. A fine book indeed. Reminds me a bit of Sorley Maclean in fact. He spent time in Spain, knew Lorca and joined the Republican movement.His poem "Explico Algunas Cosas" ( I explain some things) is based on his experience there.

"banditos con frailes negros bendiciendo
venian por el cielo a matar ninos,
y por las calles la sangre de los ninos
corria simplemente, como sangre de ninos."

That's it for today. Neruda is worth reading in the original Spanish if you can or in English translation. Go for it...

1 comment:

Coinneach said...

Glad to see you are getting on with the writing and that.Very nice little blog.
I recommend the following site and his book The Global Minotaur - America, the True Origins of the Financial Crisis and the Future of the World Economy.
I was lucky enough to hear your man Bob in the ABC Lothian Road in 66.
I must but the Amnesty CD Chimes of Freedom - I have seen a few good performances on you-tube.