Thursday, May 06, 2010

Software problem

Had laptop wifi connection problems past few days so not been able to use my laptop. Percy our tech guy here in Maximo Nivel came along today to fix it for me. Good job he did too. Says I had a software problem, and here's me thinking I was in fine fettle. BP is 120/80, just like a baby, though babies don't take tablets.

Am busy here with classes and work and other stuff. Will write a blog update tomorrow. Am off to Elim now and Jeremy is taking me to see the progress on the new home for the boys. It's looking good. Jermey does a pile of work for these kids, he should be knighted for it. Do they do that back at Buck House these days?

Hope you all been to vote, early and often, I hope. Can someone put one on for me? First time I've missed since voting became legal. Here in Peru you get fined for not voting and you can vote online.

Will watch results on BBC World when I get in tonight. By which time all will be clear. Or not.

More tomorrow....

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