Friday, May 07, 2010

Elim's new home

Started at Elim on Tuesday. I go there in the afternoons and spend about 4 hours there depending on how I feel and what's happening; could be more or less. Nice wee semicolon there.

It was great to be back there and see all the kids again and to be given such a brilliant welcome. Very touching. Edgar didn't recognise me at first as he was busy with home work. He turned round and looked at me and it suddenly dawned on him who I was. He shouted ahh donald and came over to give me a huge hug, he was so pleased to see me I was taken aback. He lives there with his brother Efraim. There is a photo of the two of them from last year on here, and a new one this year.

My first day there I went with Anderson and Edgar to collect Anderson's trainers from the trainer repair man. His trainers were in some state. I didn't even realise these things were repairable. It's certainly not done in Edinburgh. The repairman did an excellent job of the tattered old things so that they were again serviceable and once we'd bought insoles for him he was delighted. Edgar wanted insoles as well. But put him off till we was wearing his trainers.

The repairman was a young guy who wanted to know all about Glasgow. It's very unusual for people here to know any place other than Edinburgh, if they know any place at all. So we had a chat about the wonderful footie teams in that fine old city. And about kilts, which can be a pain sometimes. They think we all wonder aound in skirts. His dream is to visit some day, so I gave him Gayle's address and phone number!! He can repair all your shoes and trainers, I'm sure Ben would love that.

It's times like that make it all worthwhile. To see them so happy with so little. Makes one glad to be alive to be able to put a smile on a wee face every now and then. When I think of all these rich bastards with their obscene bonus culture, and pure greed I know that we have let them down badly and we all bear responsibility for that. Some day all that will change.

Yesterday went with Jeremy to see the new boys' home being built on the site of the old one. Edgar came with us though he was not meant to, we were giving him a lift to a dancing class at 3.30 pm but by time we got there he was at least 40 minutes late so he didn't go.

The new place is very impressive and very big. It's funded through Jeremy's fundraising and some church in USA is paying most of it. There will be room for 40 boys in two dorms, three classrooms, an auditorium, dining room, kitchen, and rooms on the top floor for volunteers, who will be paying towards the running costs. These are private rooms, so I guess I will have to come back to check it all out. I've shown Jeremy the room I want when I come. He hopes to move in this year. They also plan to invite local children to use the classrooms for lessons free of charge. Overall a huge achievement. I can't wait to see the kids there and I'm sure they can't wait to be there. Edgar was very imppressed. As you can tell from the photo.

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