Monday, September 15, 2008

Elim Cusco

I've added a link to the site for Heber's orphanage. It gives a good idea of the area where it's located and the work they do. There's so many kids needing help sometimes the task seems hopeless, but they do lots of good work here and have plans for more in the future.

When I was there on Saturday it was a young ex street kid who was looking after them. He'd been living there for a number of years and they kept him on in some capacity and have given him training and of course he understands what the boys lives are like and can empathise with them.Its his story thats told in the web site.

Eliza has arranged for us to go to see the woman in charge on Wednesday afternoon.

As you can see they are always short of funds and need all the help they can get. There's a bit on the site about sponsoring one of the kids and if anyone is interested that would be great. Let me know if you want more info.

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