Tuesday, January 14, 2014

12 Years a Slave

Well that was just about the most memorable way to resume my cinema going  I could have hoped for after my uncalled for break of three months. It felt so good to be back in a cinema. Definitely one of my highs since coming home. It's given me a psychological boost on the road to recovery, if not even a physical one. Thanks to John B for coming with me.

The film I saw was of course 12 Years a Slave, and what a movie to choose for my first outing. I'm sure you all know what it's about so I wont bore you with the story/plot details.  The word masterpiece is probably overused, but I've no doubt that this will go down as Steve McQueen's masterpiece. I'm sure he will make more great movies but I can't imagine that he will ever surpass this one, or if he does we sure have some treat coming up. Well we probably do anyway, masterpiece or no masterpiece.

If you've not been to the cinema recently or for a long time I would urge you to go and see this movie. I can guarantee that you will not be disappointed. Just get out there and see it.

I tried hard not to get too emotional but he had me in tears a few times by the end. It's such a powerful piece of work you can feel it physically and in your soul. Chewetel Ejiofor gives an extraordinary, magnificent performance as Solomon/Platt, such an expressive face, you feel everything he feels, and suffer along with him.

All the performances are excellent. Michael Fassbender as the sadistic, drunken, rapist, slave owner gives a truly frightening, psychotic performance. Lupita Nyong'o as slave girl Patsey whom Fassbender rapes and abuses is stunning, in apparently her debut. Where she got it from is a mystery, but well done anyway and I reckon she will be around for a long time. Benedict Cumberbatch is good as an almost humane slave owner, or so he thinks. Brad Pitt comes on towards the end to help things to a conclusion. He's as good as you expect him to be.

It's a hard film to watch, almost unbearable at times but you have to keep watching, no matter that it hurts so much. There is a scene where a hanging is interrupted half way through and he is left hanging there only surviving by balancing on tip toe as life goes on as normal around him. Patsey brings him some water as he hangs there but no one else helps. Its a painful scene to watch and seems to go on forever. There are other similarly hard scenes to watch, where you just feel you should look away, but it's never exploitational, all justified.

Anyway that's enough from me about it. I cannot recommend it too highly. Stupendous stuff, which is why I love cinema so much, and miss it so much when I'm deprived of it.

Tomorrow I start my chemotherapy with a day in hospital. But more of that later.

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