Friday, October 26, 2012

Villa El Salvador (2)

So there we were in Villa El Salvador walking along the a dirty dusty track, over the hill and down the other side where we were joined by the two boys. Dust everywhere. Beginning to get dark but had time to take a few pics before dusk came over us. So much dust my clothes and shoes were covered with it.

The houses (shacks) are built on very dodgy ground. It's the start of the desert, so they've built on sand. Obviously not having read the relevant parable, which I'm sure you will all be familiar with, so his Holiness succeeds with his decrees on family planning or the lack therof, but forgets to teach them the parable about house planning.

Of course it's completely illegal to build here as far as the state is concerned but the rules are made to be broken it would seem or in this case have to be broken or where else could they build or live, in the absence of government provision for housing all these people. We are talking here about nearly half a million people, and I can't speak for all the other similar barrios round about Lima.

There is nowhere for the kids in this part of Villa El Salvador to go, so Flor has found a local good citizen who has a place for them. He's Senor Chan, whose father came to Peru from China many years ago and built a restaurant business in Lima, but Senor Chan didn't inherit this business for reasons which need not concern us here, so he's now living in El Salvador with his wife and children. I'm not sure what he does for a living, but he seems to work lots of hours. They have one of the better houses in El Salvador onto which he has built an extension which is like a lean-to attached to the side of his house, which he allows Flor and the kids to use every Friday.

This is about as basic as one can get in terms of accommodation for the kids, but its the best that can be done to get them off the streets. There are about forty kids who use it, though not all come every week, which is just as well really. The room has no furnishings, but Flor has moved the three tables and the chairs I bought for the San Juan centre a few years ago, to use in El Salvador. You can imagine my surprise when I saw these chairs and tables, and my delight that they were being put to such good use. I've never been so pleased with so few tables and chairs in all my life. It made my heart sing. To know that I've done such a small thing and given a little help to these kids is just unbelievably joyful.

And there is one small light in the middle of the room, as Senor Chan is one of the lucky ones with electricity in his house. I was pleased to see him using energy saving bulbs.

There were about 20 kids turned up in the end. Flor gave them a talk on good living and such things. The kids just seemed to enjoy having a place to come. And they all are well dressed, and indeed why should they not be. They want to look their best just like all other kids do.

There were two wee boys there with their mum. It was their first time and they were quite excited and pleased to be there. They are about 8 or 9 years old and work in the rubbish dump to support themselves and their mother. It's a family affair. They told me about their work and knew all the prices. I'll post a picture of them. They seem content with their lot and of course know no other life than working in the rubbish (garbage) dump. Flor will work with the mother over the next few months. When we walk through Villa El Salvador, many of the women come out and talk to Flor. They all seem to know her and want to share their troubles with her. Of which there seem to be many.

So we've decided to have a big party for the kids this Friday and I've given Flor the money to pay for food, drinks, entertainment etc. Flor will decorate the room and the entertainers will bring their own gear to play games and music for dancing I suppose.

So looking forward to my next visit tonight. I never seem to have much time. Don't know where it goes. Seems to be some deep hole where my time and days disappear. Must do better time wise otherwise life will just disappear in a cloud of smoke or something.

"The everydayness of life - of every day." who said that?

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