Thursday, September 13, 2012

Boy with no name

We had a young boy in La Policia de la Familia today, picked up from the streets of Cuzco last night, abandoned there. He's about eight years old and unable to speak or explain anything. He clearly has learning difficulties. No-one knows who he is or where he is from. A boy with no name or identity. He answers yes (si) to all questions, and just smiles at you, with his big brown eyes.

Unless his parents come for him, which seems unlikely now, he will eventually find his way to a good orphanage where he will be looked after and given some of the love and affection he needs. Poor wee chap was so dirty and hungry and cold, it having been a cold night last night and there being no such luxuries as heating for these kids at La Policia.

As the saying goes it fair makes you think. Police women were quite nice to him, but I had to ask them to take him for a shower, which they did and managed to find him a pair of cleanish trousers and a top. So he was much better though dribbles all the time.

I'm busy with these kids every morning and enjoying it, though enjoyment is maybe not the right word to use, when I see all these kids in such conditions and so distressed and worried and tearful. So not enjoyment but a certain satisfaction. I wish I could spend longer with them but its just too tiring, and my diabetic control could be better, so all in all a morning there is good going.

I've bought a beautiful new book for them tonight so should have some educational stuff for them tomorrow.

Today I saw this young couple in my regular restaurant, the girl wearing a Keele University top, so went to speak to them about my visits there back in the sixties, and my nights in the students union there, where I saw many bands, including the great Pentangle, just after their first album was released, maybe 67 or 68.

Well it turns out that she goes there and that they come from Stoke on Trent, where as some of you may know I spent three very happy years. Such a small world don't you think? They were a lovely couple doing the tour. They had never heard of Pentangle, but I guess that's no surprise, but they promised to seek them out. I guess there must be some of their stuff on you tube. However they were Stoke City supporters so we had a wee chat about our passion for the potters.

I was going to tell you about the six women from USA but it's late so will leave that for another day. Tomorrow afternoon I'm going on a visit to a very special project juat outside Cusco, which is a micro finance business type thing helping some of the poorest women hereabouts provide for their families. So looking forward to that and more later.

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