Tuesday, November 29, 2011

N 30, strike day

Tomorrow is the Big Strike day in old UK. So here I am in Cusco thinking of you all back home preparing for the big day. All of you in your different ways. But my thoughts will definitely be with all those of you who are heading out for the odd picket line. I wish I was with you, well almost.... just like me to miss the biggest strike day since ... well since I don't know when.

I hope it's hugely successful. I don't expect it to bring down the Tory government but we have to start somewhere. I hope the Edinburgh demo is enormous. Good luck with that.

Today was another hot day in Cusco. There were seven kids in La Policia when I arrived and eight by the time I left. We had earthquake evacuation practice while I was there, so had to help escort the kids down into the street where we all gathered. Cops and kids and me. They had drawn a circle in the middle of the road and we all had to stand in a circle. I didn't see anyone doing a count but I guess they must have done.

I buy food for them everyday as rations are meek if not non existent in La Policia. The folk whose shop I go to near to La Policia remember me from way back. They even missed me last week when I was off with my bug. They are so welcoming and always ask about the kids. I buy some bread rolls, apples and drinks for them. They love it. The pregnant girls is away. Don't know where she went in the end. Hope she got to be with her boy friend.

There are a lot of kids there who speak Quechua in La Policia just now. We had a late arrival this morning who says he left home in the countryside because of the beatings he suffers. Him and another boy who is fluent in Quechua were soon chatting away in their native tongue. Which was great to see/hear. The cops don't speak the lingo so it doesn't go down well. I'm told that there is a lot of discrimination against Quechua speakers. Though I've not personally witnessed any so far in La Policia.

Must go home to take a pill and then come back to meet my lawyer friend Fernando who has become a father since my last trip.

1 comment:

neilandelaine said...

I'm quoting Camaclegg "the strike was a dampt squib" but i think it was pretty well supported in Scotland - the John Lewis barometer was reading high for public servants. We struck but didn't picket in Foxknowe - i was surprised at the turnout in our god forsaken place but ...

You should be pleased to be in Cusco anyway. Jeremy Clarkson reported to be stalking Whitehall with a fully loaded machine gun.

And a final note no more sex please!! Don't forget that some of us allow our wives and servants to read your blog. I might have to review this policy.

meanwhile no other news here