Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Football is everywhere

We have a wee park and playground at INABIF. Today we played football. Boys insisted I had to play. They choose teams just like we used to over in Cnoc Mhor all these few years ago. Worth a visit for those of you who never been. It was the scene of many great games. Epoch making I think you could fairly say.

Wilber won their version of stone, scissors, paper and I was his first selection. Silly boy believed me when I told him I was brilliant at footie.

Had to play the waiting game, as it's just a tad hot in these parts. Maybe 25 or 26 today. Anyway too damned hot for me to be running around. So had to play a Scholes type game, hanging about waiting for the ball to come my way, then incisive defence splitting passes. I think we lost.

My dinner is just about ready so better go and eat. Having lomo saltado, home cooked. Nice.

1 comment:

The Wicked Messenger said...

Nice one on playing some footy. Dad says he could always run rings round you!

Keep the posts coming.
