Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Bluesmen & a Professor of Circus.

Last night as I was walking home with Robin (another Robin who lives in San Blas) we decided to visit a bar, which had caught my attention another night. In this bar there were two guys playing blues guitar and singing. So we made ourselves comfortable at the bar with a large glass of orange juice.

As they began to play another song, I thought to myself, I know that tune from somewhere. Sure enough I did. They were playing and singing "Knockin' on Heaven's Door". A superb version which they kept going for some time. Excellent. Well, one thing lead to another, as they say and we ended up staying in this bar till very late, way past my bedtime, which during the week is never much after 10. And we got speaking to some English girls from dear old Hull.

Robin wants to marry a European girl because he likes blond fair skinned girls. He knows more about the facial features of all Euro nationalities than I have ever learnt. So he was delighted on two scores. They were in their 20s, so a bit young for me these days.

I spoke to the guy who sang Dylan and it turns out he is Chilean, and speaks excellent English, having lived in Australia for some years. He knew many Scots there, whom I guess he met while playing there. He has tried the bagpipes. His fellow musician is from the far country, i.e. north of Peru. He is Indian, and very distinctive features. Will post a pic or two later. He plays superb guitar, a cross between Davy Graham and Bert Jansch. Brilliant. Will be going back. They also played "Light my Fire" which was the only other song I knew, but that was ok by me.

Its 1 pm here and am just back from La Policia. Fernando has been very ill over past few days so have been comforting him and wetting his head with cold water. He cried when I was leaving and just did not want me to leave. Eber has left so I assume he is home now. Might find out soon as he is quite likely to turn up here.

I'm off to meet a French professor of circus now to have lunch and maybe persuade him to perform at Jesus me Luz and at Yuri's school. Never a dull moment here in Cusco.

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